
CS: increases its turnover by 4.2% in Q1

CS Communication and Systems recorded a turnover of 51.2 million euros in the first quarter, up 4.2%, "thus confirming the upturn in activity that began in the second half of 2010.

During this quarter, the group has registered 26 million of orders. The book to end March 2011 stood at more than 15 months of sales.

In accordance with expectations, activity Defense, Space & Security confirms his return to growth. This trend is expected to increase over the second quarter of 2011.

Revenue growth was driven by the poles transport (+18.5%) and products (+37%), while revenues stagnated in poles defense, space & aviation safety, energy & industry.

Moreover, CS says help from 9 to 20 May at the NATO Tiger Meet exercise, joint and combined air exercise the most important European soil.

The actual office at 31 March 2011 is 2076 against 2090 staff employees at December 31, 2010 and 2108 to 31 March 2010. The rate excluding vacations average over the same period amounted to 82.8% (81.6% over 2010 and 83% over first quarter 2010).